Wednesday 26 May 2010

ND Photography final show


The final prints are up and my photobook from 'blurb' has arrived! Everything's coming together, now all that's left is to piece it all together in the exhibition room. I'm hoping that my cabinet, (bought second hand at the British Heart Foundation store in Middlesbrough for£15!!), will look effective when placed with my display. This cabinet will hold all of the objects I have used within this project - the pocketwatches, the metal key, the blonde wig, the hippo head, the barbie doll and the plastic tea set. I hope that this will encourage viewers to be more interactive with my display.


My work is based around the original story of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. There is no particular narrative throughout my images that I concentrate on. The scenes and characters have been the main influence within this project.

Throughout the last six months, I have visited several locations and created a combination of photographs which are all inspired by the original story. I have mainly worked with a Canon 450D digital camera to create dark and interesting photographs. Surreal Photographers such as Francesca Woodman, Hans Bellmer, and his 1940’s-style images of disjointed dolls, have influenced me to create completely different pieces to my previous work.

Creating a project like this has encouraged me to visit abandoned and derelict properties with a different mindset. With this addition, my images have been made to convey a surreal and nightmarish feel - creating a contradictory atmosphere to that in the original story.